Changing Your Website On A GBP Listing, Desktop

Changing Your Website On A GBP Listing, Desktop

  1. Go to URL:
  2. Select listing that you'd like to manage (or it will put you in your listing, if managing a singular listing)
  3. Select "Info" in the left Hamburger Menu
    1. You may need to expand the menu in the top left

  4. Under Info, the Globe icon is for listing website, and the link icon is for appointments (if applicable)
    1. If managing a Practice Listing:
      1. The listing website should be the home page
      2. The appointments link should be the contact us page
    2. If managing a Doctor Listing:
      1. The listing website should be the doctor's page on the website
      2. The appointments link should be the contact us page

  5. The info section should go gray, and say "Under Review". This is expected. Google can take anywhere from 10 seconds to a week to approve changes
  6. You should be done!